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Elementary School Students (Shrimp Drawing)

This is a drawing of raw shrimp.

The lecturers have a meeting with each other to decide on a motif, but this time I found the idea of "Shrimp!" interesting. The details are interesting to look at, and there are many elements that make children's pictures come to mind, such as roundness and glowing spots! Decision!

However, it was hard to find the right amount of shrimp with heads (preferably a patterned black tiger) at a supermarket nearby, so I ordered them online. Frozen shrimp are thawed every few days to create a motif.

I was convinced that it was hard to find a picture with a shrimp motif.

The children were amazingly focused and enthusiastic about the motif. I think about it every time, and I'm impressed by the two hours I spend focusing on painting.


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